UKFA Chairman
1 | Irish Worlds - Important information
Please read this section if you're going to the Irish Worlds...
FI Stickers and UKFA Membership Cards
Ian Castle will be sending out membership cards & boat stickers in the next couple of weeks. Note, Ian is unable to deal with any enquiries this week.
Please check your measurement certificate! If you own the boat you will be racing in Ireland, the measurement certificate must be in your name. To obtain a fresh certificate, please send in the old one to the your NCA secretary
Measurement at the event
The Irish Fireball Association has produced a document to guide competitors though the measurement process at the Worlds. It was done for the Irish competitors, so remember not to use the contacts in this document for new certificates - contact our Ian instead!
Read the Preparation Briefing >
Free Polo or long sleeved T-shirt (but you need to specify which and what size!)
The person who entered the Worlds should have received an email last week about event tops. Please check your mail folders and reply to Neil Cramer ASAP - the deadline is this Friday 22nd July. Note, the email has only gone to one person in the boat, not to both the helm & crew.
1st hand news on the venue
Steve Goacher has recently been over to Ireland and managed to squeeze in a visit to Lough Derg. Sadly it was raining, but he took some photos anyway - just click on the link below.
Steve said "For anyone who has booked the Waterside Cottages you can see they are right next to the Yacht Club. What you cannot see in the photos was how friendly the people are – very welcoming, and looking forward to the Fireball event, although they were pretty busy while I was there, as they had a big event planned for the following day.".
Take a look at Steve's photos! >
2 | 60th Anniversary Merchandise
Remember to order your 60th Anniversary Merchandise. The shop is open until the end of the year.
Buy 60th Anniversary Merchandise >